We would like our Westlawn students to maintain their current reading and math skills throughout the summer. And, we would also like to gain a better sense of their current academic levels. To help, we have a suggested summer reading list and online math skills diagnostics plus practice through the IXL platform.
Reading: We are encouraging each student to choose a total of two books to read: (1) fiction book to read at his/her current reading level and (1) non-fiction book . A non-fiction book would include autobiographies, biographies, informational text, historical narrative, or any other text based on real events, real people, or facts. There is no homework involved (writing, summarizing, etc.). This is completely optional reading. If your student chooses to read, please bring the books to school on the first day. If you need any book recommendations, please reach out. We are happy to help!
Math: You will receive IXL login information for your student via email next week. We will send more detailed directions on how to complete the diagnostic and give you some suggested skills to practice.
Our summer learning suggestions are optional, but we encourage you to engage your children in some academic work to prevent 'summer slide'. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.